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Writer's pictureNatalie Pierre-Louis

Fighting the Urge for the Guaranteed Check

In the inaugural episode of my #podcast, The Business Of…, I #interviewed Chicago-based pleasure coach Tyomi Morgan Najieb. One of the the things she touched upon during our chat was fighting the lure of the guaranteed check while trying to build up her #business. Tyomi shared the goals that kept her from being swayed by the security of a 9-5 and I thought I would share some of mine as I travel the road to full-time #entrepreneur.

  1. More #freedom over my time

My day job pays very well in the grand scheme of things, but it requires that I put in A LOT of hours. Hours that I would rather spend doing....anything else. Whenever I book a big contract I use the portion I pay myself with to take a few hours to a couple of days off of work and do whatever I want. Knowing that one day this will be the norm for me and not the exception is amazing #motivation.

  1. I get to use all my #talents

I have many #skills and interests and unfortunately, my day job is not able to cater to all of those. Not feeling inspired can lead to burnout. When I’m creating for my business, I feel my synapses firing and it’s almost like I fall into a trance. Hours can go by without my noticing. I’m writing this very #article on a Friday evening not because I have a deadline, but because I feel #inspired and I want to. Sometimes when I look at the amount of content I’ve created in such a short amount of time I wonder what I’m going to be capable of when I reach my full potential.

  1. I get to help my #community

My day job is very corporate; I don’t really see the difference that I make when I complete an assignment. When I sit down with a client however; the lights that I see turn on in their heads as we start to bring their dream to life is a feeling of #satisfaction that is unmatched. The first time I walked into one of my clients’ brick and mortar stores I had such a sense of #pride, #accomplishment and #joy. I’ve never felt that at my day job and it’s one that I will continue to chase on the road to being a full-time entrepreneur.

If any of these reasons resonate with you and you want to take that leap toward making that business idea into a reality, download my FREE Biz Quiz . It will help you get your business started in the next 7 days. Then you can pick up my Launch That Biz Ebook, which will walk you through the business formation process, complete with illustrations and active links. Enjoy your week!

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